Ecodesign level of this website
Ecoindex score: 57.8 /100 (C)
Average water consumption per 1,000 users (in liters): 2,766 L (equivalent to 307 packs of mineral water)*
Average greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users: 184.4 kgCO2e (equivalent to an 854 km trip in a thermal car)*
Valuation method
Like all digital production, this website has an environmental impact, which we present on this page using standardized indicators.
We use the EcoIndex benchmark proposed by the collective, to assess the environmental performance of this website. This is quantified using two types of indicators:
- Web site eco-design level. This indicator evaluates the implementation of best practices to reduce the impact of a web page. The level achieved is represented by a relative evaluation from A to G (A is the best score) combined with an absolute score from 0 to 100 (100 is the best score).
- Water consumption and GHG emissions linked to page loading. This indicator quantifies freshwater consumption (cls) and GHG emissions (gCO2e) linked to the loading of a web page.
For summary purposes, four types of data are shown:
- Ecodesign level for the 5 most visited pages of the website
- Ecodesign level for 5 user paths type of the website
- Water consumption (expressed in liters) and GHG emissions (kilos CO2e) linked to the loading of a web page for 1 user, and related to 1000 users.
- Water consumption (expressed in liters) and GHG emissions (kilos CO2e) linked to one path execution for 1 user, compared with 1000 users.
The analysis shown was carried out on June 20, 2023, and is subject to change: the quantification of environmental impacts presented below is a shot taken at a given moment
Evaluation of the impact of the site's 5 most visited pages
Page 1 : Home
Water (cl) | GHG (gCO2eq) | Number of requests | Page size (Ko) | DOM size |
279 | 186 | 35 | 1418 | 675 |
Page 2 : About us
Ecoindex score: 38/100* (E)
Water (cl) |
GHG (gCO2eq) | Number of requests | Page size (Ko) | DOM size |
336 |
224 | 53 | 3517 | 1077 |
Water consumption per 1,000 users: 3,360 L (equivalent to 373 packs of mineral water)
GHG emissions per 1,000 users: 224 kgCO2e (equivalent to 1,037 km in a thermal car)
Page 3 : Contact us
Ecoindex score: 65/100* (C)
Water (cl) |
GHG (gCO2eq) | Number of requests | Page size (Ko) | DOM size |
255 |
255 | 27 | 1526 | 509 |
Water consumption per 1,000 users: 2,550 L (equivalent to 283 packs of mineral water)
GHG emissions per 1,000 users: 170 kgCO2e (equivalent to 787 km in a thermal car)
Page 4 : Join us
Ecoindex score: 61/100* (C)
Water (cl) |
GHG (gCO2eq) | Number of requests | Page size (Ko) | DOM size |
267 |
178 | 36 | 2595 | 473 |
Water consumption per 1,000 users: 2,670 L (equivalent to 297 packs of mineral water)
GHG emissions per 1,000 users: 178 kgCO2e (equivalent to 824 km in a thermal car)
Page 5 : Legal information
Ecoindex score: 68/100* (C)
Water (cl) |
GHG (gCO2eq) | Number of requests | Page size (Ko) | DOM size |
246 |
164 | 26 | 936 | 501 |
Water consumption per 1,000 users: 2,460 L (equivalent to 273 packs of mineral water)
GHG emissions per 1,000 users: 164 kgCO2e (equivalent to 759 km in a thermal car)
Ecodesign is based on a methodology and a set of best practices designed to reduce the impact of a website on its environment. In concrete terms, this means limiting the technical resources required to display a page or execute a function, while staying as close as possible to the user's needs.
Are you a digital professional looking to reduce the environmental impact of your sites? Here are a few best practices to implement:
Best practices in ergonomics and design
- Limit the number of features at the design stage
- Delete unused functions
- Limit the number of carousels
- Choose lightweight typefaces
- Favour simple, uncluttered designs
- Adopt a mobile-first approach whenever possible
- Prefer pagination to infinite scrolling
- Avoid automatic playback and loading of videos and sounds
- Optimize user paths
- ...
Some best practices in content management
Some good development practices
- Offer asynchronous treatment whenever possible
- Use only the essential portions of the JS and CSS libraries
- Cache frequently calculated data
- Limit the number of calls to HTTP APIs
- Reduce the volume of stored data to the bare minimum
- Use the most recent version of the language
- Provide a text-based alternative to multimedia content
- Cut CSS
- Do not modify the DOM when traversing it
- Use lazy loading
- Validate pages with W3C
- Add Expires or Cache-Control headers
- Compress text files: CSS, JS, HTML and SVG
- Set up an efficient sitmap
A few best practices for web hosting
- Choose an eco-responsible web host
- Install the minimum server requirements
- Rely on managed services
- Optimize server energy efficiency
- Reduce server logs to a minimum
- Apache Vhost: disable AllowOverride
- Use virtualized servers
- Using an asynchronous server
- Store data in the cloud
- ...
To set up your environmental declaration
To consult the complete list of web ecodesign best practices
Access the GreenIt repository (GitHub)
Find out more about EcoIndex
Find out more about the EcoIndex reference system
*Average environmental impact of the 5 most visited pages on this website.