Sustainability. Sell differently!

Buyback Trade | Refurbished | Repairability

Re-use of already used products, Resale

Retail moves into the age of sustainability

Re-use of already used products, Resale

    Reinvent your business model and customer experience at a time when selling your (new) products is no longer the only expectation ...

      Programmed obsolescence is now a well-known concept among consumers. The consumption of second-hand products, from clothing to furniture to electronic devices, has become a way of life. And a growing part of the population is now ready to buy reconditioned, repaired or upcycled products rather than new ones.

Digital and a data driven approach can change the world, including yours! And thus develop your alternative sales offer and sustainable shopping experience.





Who are we?

  • We are digital application designer putting in motion the strength of technologies web and mobile and the potential of the data analysis in the service of a circular economy less consuming and more respectful of our current world.

  • Our DNA is resolutely turned towards companies with responsible strategies whose will is to avoid waste, by repairing, recycling, reconditioning. Our expertise and "tech for good" solutions have been built through our historical partner and client Cordon Electronics specialist in the manufacturing, repair and renovation of your electronic products.

  • We help our clients to " sell differently " from our 3 digital and data agencies, in Brittany, in Rennes and Dinan as well as in Paris.

We are C-Digital

Our values


Thinking about tomorrow

Reconcile the technologies of today and tomorrow with the environmental, social and economic issues whose impact we become aware of every day.


Sustainable Innovation

Customer expectations

Incremental or disruptive, our innovation process is constantly under review, with the aim of challenging business models and their associated organizations with a view to sustainability.


Thinking Outside the Box

Co-creating value

Selling differently, repairing and not throwing away, agility VS project tunnel effect, ... all our actions are oriented towards the search for sustainable value contribution and process simplification.


Why join us ?

Business people working at C-Digital
  • Are you attentive to the evolution of societal trends?
    Creative and always on the lookout, your job will always be linked to an experience you have or will have to live, your professional life will reflect your global fulfillment
    #ADN C-Digital Life

  • Are you looking for an adventure on a human scale?
    You will work on concrete and motivating projects, on recent technologies and in an agile organization constantly questioning its efficiency
    #ADN C-Digital Life

  • End-User friendly, you care about the end user?
    You will evolve in a philosophy where, whatever the application, B2B or B2C, the same attention will be paid to the customer experience and quality
    #ADN C-Digital Life

Responsible Economy and Digital.

If you don't take change bythe hand, it will take you by the throat.

- Winston Churchill